Jewellery Care

Here are some care tips to maintain the original lustre of your silver jewelry.
  • Silver jewelry is likely to get tarnished when it comes in contact with the atmosphere. Store your jewelry in the special pouch or box it came in to protect it from chipping, rubbing and getting tangled.
  • Keep your jewelry away from moisture and extreme temperatures.
  • Gently clean it with a soft dry cotton cloth to restore the original shine if it gets dirty/tarnished.
  • Always dry your jewelry before putting it away.
  • Always put your jewelry on last while getting ready. 
  • Always remove your jewelry before exercising, swimming, showering, or washing your face/hands.
  • A cloth/felt-lined box is also fine to store jewelry. Another way is to wrap your jewelry in a cotton/muslin cloth and keep it inside a plastic zip-lock bag.
  • Always check that the clasps and locks in the jewelry are intact and working properly.
  • Do not use any chemicals or liquid cleaners or water to clean your jewelry.
  • Do not apply perfume or lotions and potions after wearing your jewelry.
  • Do not store your jewelry directly in touch with a hard surface. It can scratch or remove its plating in case of Rodhium plated  jewelry.
  • Do not store away your jewelry without removing any moisture or dirt or makeup on it.
  • While you’re still wearing jewelry, do not apply any products to remove your makeup or wash your face.
  • Do not store jewelry along with watches having leather straps.
  • Avoid storing many jewelry pieces together so that they do not scratch against each other or get entangled.